Reading Response- 

            Daniel J. Solove discusses the major arguments for security and explains the reasons why our privacy should not be exploited. One argument against security that particularly stood out was the idea that our key identity features (fingerprints, eyes scans) will be held in a database, which is potentially accessible to any hackers across the country. In this security measure the government will hold information that cannot be changed for a person. Solove explained how once your eye scan or fingerprint is stolen you cannot do anything to change it; you cannot replace your eyes or fingers. Personally, I would not want this personal of information be the key to leaving and entering countries. The risk is too high to be depending on something so valuable as our form of “passport”. Although security measures are necessary in order for the world to be protected, the government needs to stay within the boundaries allowing a certain level of privacy to key identity features.

Ms. D
10/16/2013 04:33:53 am

Well said. It's already started, which is scary. Many people are fingerprinted at the borders these days. We will see what the future brings!


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